
Ventilation Testing – Why You Should Make it a Part of Your Building Quality Plans

When conducting quality control at commercial facilities, many companies choose to hire independent contractors to conduct air quality testing. Independent contractors work closely with experienced and licensed air quality testing professionals who will complete an on-site air quality test to identify exactly where there are problems. Once located, quality testing professionals will then take action to correct the problem. Most air quality testing labs offer a full range of quality services including routine maintenance and repairs, along with pre-and post-test analysis. During a routine maintenance visit, quality testing technicians will perform a complete air quality inspection, collect environmental data, and perform laboratory tests to detect potential contaminants.

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Three of the most important factors determine the quality of indoor air quality in any given building: volatile organic compounds (VOC), formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide. These air pollutants present a serious threat to your health and should be controlled or removed. The air quality testing professionals at your facility will carefully identify the areas in your building that are most contaminated to ensure you choose an air quality testing solution that will effectively remove all air pollutants present. When testing for these three air pollutants, the quality testing lab can tell you what the air quality levels are in your home, which can help you make an informed decision regarding your home’s ventilation system. High levels of these pollutants can be toxic to your health and can cause serious problems with your breathing, including shortness of breath, chronic cough, and lung cancer. High quality testing labs can also help you determine what steps need to be taken to improve the air quality of your home.

A quality testing lab is also invaluable in determining which ventilation systems work best to reduce airborne pollution, including stray dust, pet dander, pollen, dirt particles, irritant particles, molds, fungi, bacteria, and other pollutants. By using specialized technology, these labs can also test for the presence of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in your environment and help you determine the safety of your HVAC system, heating and cooling system, windows and doors, carpets, furniture, storage and ventilation systems. In short, if you’re looking to get the highest quality in your indoor air – whether it’s through an HVAC system upgrade, a new carpet installation, or simply removing allergens – contacting a quality indoor air quality testing lab is the responsible and smart way to go.

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