If you have assessed that a care home is the best option for you or your family, your local social work office can help you find the right place. They can provide you with a list of homes that meet your needs and can arrange for a trial visit to one you are considering. They can also talk to you about the options that might assist you in staying at home, including any financial support available.
What Makes Care Homes in Scotland Stand Out in Senior Care
You can see how each care home performs by checking their ratings on the Care Home League Table, which shows the performance of care homes based on the latest results from the Care Inspectorate. This includes the number of upheld complaints and statutory improvement notices against each home. The more issues a home has, the lower its score.
For example, if you live in a home that has been given a low rating, the Care Inspectorate may have concerns about the quality of your care and whether you are safe. If this is the case, the home could be placed in special measures.
A Care Home Operator is a residential building where people live full-time and receive care from trained staff in a communal setting. They are generally for those who need more care than can be provided in their own homes or supported housing. Some of them are funded by the council, others are privately funded. If you are considering moving into a care home, it is important to check how much the fees will be. You might be able to get some help paying these costs, depending on the outcome of a check by your local council called a financial assessment.